"I do not agree with what you have to say, but i will defend to the death your right to say it"

"I do not agree with what you have to say, but i will defend to the death your right to say it"

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Some Words of Wisdom from Mark Twain

Since Christmas, I've been playing Call of Duty, Modern Warfare 2 a lot of PS3. When you die, quotes pop up on the screen from various wise thinkers from the present and past, from Albert Einstein to Dick Cheney (yeah i guess they recognized an idiot or two as well), but that's besides the point, cough cough Donald Rumsfeld. Anyway, one of the best quotes that they have on there, and one of my favorite quotes is from Mark Twain:

"Patriotism is supporting your country all the time, and your government when she deserves it."

I love that. It's perfect. Too many people lose faith in their country when things go bad, and that's understandable, but the country and the government are wayyyyyy different. The country is the PEOPLE, and the government is .. the "elite" who only seek to please the banks (sorry but it's true). I've heard people say that if you don't support the government, then you're ignorant, or anti-American, but that's not true. How about this, our government now is trying to label someone who doesn't agree with the government as a terrorist! I'm not kidding.. it's sad.

Anyways with that being said, I love America and what she stands for. As for the government, not an ounce of trust :) but hey, sometimes thats what it takes to be a patriot.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Girls and their Drama!

I don't know why I'm posting this on Christmas Eve, but nevertheless, I am. Being involved with Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, and all that good stuff, I see certain things that people post that are dead giveaways to their personalities. It's funny because the biggest one has to do with drama. This usually goes on in the world of MySpace because Facebook users are a tad more mature. It seems like the only people left are 15 year old Jonas brothers fans. But there are some twenty somethings mixed in there. What is funny to me though is how they talk about this word called "drama". Read one of these girls' "about me" section and you'll see what I'm talking about. For example, I see quotes like this all the time, "I'm done with drama so don't come around me startin' shit because I'll knock a bitch out"." or, "I ain't tryin' to do that drama shit anymore, yall bitches just jealous cuz you ain't me." stuff like that..

This is hilarious to me, seeing that I know some of these people personally. The more these girls talk about how done they are with drama, usually the more drama there is that actually surrounds them. And is usually is their on fault. So that's my thoughts. If you disagree, I'm sorry. The truth hurts.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Well it's that time of year again! (Christmas)

Here we go again..

It's the time of year that people spend money they don't have on people they don't like for gifts that they don't need..

I'm joking, but let's be honest, that's a hefty majority.

But seriously, it's the time that we celebrate the birth of Jesus. It's a thing to think about the fact that God saw fit to send himself in the form of his Son to live a life with the purpose of setting an example and dying for our sins.

A lot of people celebrate Christmas the wrong way, and they put all their joy in the things that don't measure up to the real meaning of Christmas. Then again, a lot of people who claim to celebrate Christmas for the right reasons focus all their thoughts on being angry at the people who do it the wrong way. I'm quite the opposite. I know that the media regards Santa Clause as the poster-boy for Christmas, and gift giving seems like the biggest source of joy. But hey, i just love the fact that in this time of year, regardless of the reason, people do seem to have a joy, even if its just for a few weeks.

I love the fact that everyone is (generally) in a great mood this time of year. And regardless of the reason why they are, i know that i'm going to be happy because my Savior was born, and he still lives. And because he lives, so can I.