"WORLD PEACE". It sounds so great! We hear it every year when the Miss America Pageant comes on. Every contestant wants nothing more than this idea of world peace. Well what exactly is world peace? If someone asked me for a definition of world peace, i think i would say something like a world without war, crime, and immoral behavior on a large scale (divorce, fraud, etc.) This sounds awesome, and while all of us "normal" people would love to see this, there are a few reasons why you would never see this happen, and I'm not talking about why it would never happen in terms of why it would be so difficult to achieve it. I'm talking about why the world's elite dreads the thought of it.
First off: Some background information. In 1913, The Federal Reserve Bank came into existance. Why is this important? Well at this point, due to a hoax, Americans thought their money was no longer safely in the hands of money backed by our nation's worth, our money now all started to flow through this private bank called the Federal Reserve. Now all of the money comes to and fro from this bank, so whatever we, as a nation, borrow from the bank, it has to be paid back (with interest :D). Well why is this important? The more money we borrow, the richer "those banks" get (The Federal Reserve is comprised of International banks). So really there is nothing federal at all about it. Many people don't even know, but the FR isn't even part of our government, and has never been audited.
Back to the point. When do we use the most money? Answer: WAR. The more troops we send out, the more we spend, the more we spend, the richer they get. I think right now we're spending up in the billions per week on war, which puts us in a 5 Trillion dollar hole. Think this is because we're really seeking the benefit of other countries? No. Ever heard of the saying, the borrower is slave to the lender? Well when we owe money to the FR, they can tell us what to do. and what do they say? invade, invade, invade.. sounds like our country since the early 2000's huh?
well outside of this, lets think of what the world we be like with no conflict:
No CIA, FBI, Department of homeland security, police force, military, lawyers (For the most part), news agencies would obviously go down the drain, security systems, surviellence technology, guns (For the most part), and on and on and on.. know what they means? thousands, if not millions with no jobs.
World peace? HA .. in our dreams.
You know this isn't supposed to be so pessimistic even though it seems that way.. hopefully if you read this, you can be a little more realistic. Quit dreaming of a utopia where your government is going to do you favors, it'll be the opposite. Take it upon yourself to make you and the people around you enjoy the world a little more for enjoyable, because it is. The world isn't perfect and never will be close to it. A man is happy when he decides to be, and that's a lesson we can all take to heart.
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