"God is a comedian, playing to an audience too afraid to laugh" - Voltaire
If a stranger walks up to you and asks, "Who is God?", what would you possibly say? "Well he's the Creator of the universe".. true... "Well he's the highest authority".. etc. You could really go on and on. All of those different titles are fine, accept for "big man upstairs" and stuff like that, I mean really? You could know the Bible inside and out and still have a terribly skewed idea about who God is. I'm no scholar on theology, but I do like to think i have a pretty good idea about who this person we called God is.
The goal of this post is not take the misconceptions that are found in such a high percentage of Christians and shed some light on them. God isn't easy to figure out (thank God).. No one would want to worship a god that you could know all there is to know about. You can't know everything, so let's see what he is NOT.
#1. God is just a bully. Many people think that God punishes them because He is mad or wants to show you up. This couldn't be further from the truth. God does discipline His people. Life is a roller coaster. You can be on the mountain one minute, and in the valley the next. The problem is that in the valley, people tend to blame God. But the truth is, it's all because of love.
Proverbs 3:12 because the LORD disciplines those he loves, as a father the son he delights in
-It's simple, if God is disciplining you for something and really letting you know, the best way to look at it is further proof that God really loves you. After all, what is a father that doesn't discipline his children??
#2. God demands that we go through life walking on eggshells. Once again, a big misconception of God is that He wants us to go through life worried about whether we are making the right moves. This isn't to say that we should go through life without ever stopping to see if we are in line, but the point is that as Christians, God wants us to live fulfilled lives and not have to worry ourselves to death about the hassles that come with that life. After all, there is no condemnation in Christ.
Romans 8:1 - There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus.
#3. God really wants his people to boast about what they're doing for him and look down on people that don't do the same things as we do. There are certain duties that we have as Christians, not necessary a list of rules that say what a Christian does and does not, but certain things that are expected. These things mean nothing if they're bragged about, or for self-righteous gain. For someone to think they're more holy than someone else just because they do certain charitable things or hold a certain type of ministerial position, or anything like that, it is meaningless.
Isaiah 64:6: All of us have become like one who is unclean,
and all our righteous acts are like filthy rags;
we all shrivel up like a leaf,
and like the wind our sins sweep us away.
If someone from Isaiah's time period were reading that, "filthy rags" would translate to something along the lines of a used menstrual rag. So whatever "work" you do for God, it can never be more than filthy rags compared to His righteousness, so when thinking about what you do for God and what someone else does for God, nothing you can do makes you more holy than them. So the only way to judge someone is to know their heart, and only God knows the heart.
Well this post has just been a result of something sporadic thinking that I have been doing lately. God is love. Everything He does is out of love. His discipline, His blessing, His Word, His instruction. You owe it to yourself to never take any of it out of the context of love, trust me.
Very good observations!