God has given you one face, and you make yourself another. ~William Shakespeare
What exactly does it mean to be real? It may seem difficult to put that into an actual definition, but i think that it is worth a shot. My definition of being real would be to know who you are and then unapologetically being that person. This may sound relatively simple, but we all know people who could use a lesson or two in this area.
We all know that person right? That one guy or girl just tries so hard being someone that they're not. Maybe it's the girl who has been a cheerleader all her life who gets so caught up in all of the drama that cheering has to offer and loses sight of her own identity because for some reason she thinks being a part of one social group is more important than actually being your her person.
Maybe it's this person: The old me. I'm a baseball player and I always have been. Being a baseball player brings a lot to the table. Are we the most skilled athletes in sports? Probably.. Are girls genuinely more attracted to baseball players ..? Probably.. Can you see why being a baseball player can suck someone into a full blown "baseball" lifestyle? Well it's not too hard to figure out.
It wasn't until about a year ago i finally started to see baseball in a better light. It was something that had defined me for so long, but I finally was able to let that go. Does that mean I don't want to play baseball anymore? Absolutely not! This just means that my life is no longer of service to the baseball world. I can still be a part of a group, but it no longer sustains me.
I've found that it is a lot more worthwhile to look at yourself very objectively and find out who you really are. That's what i did. Hopefully, if you know me, you know that I love intelligent conversations, music, politics, literature, theology, giving advice, and a plethora of other things. I would hope that people don't look at me and automatically think, "one dimentional baseball player". There is a lot more to me than that. Here's the thing though, I believe that there a lot more people who can take this as a lesson. For me, it was overcoming baseball as a crutch to be "who i was". What is it for you? Is it your grades, or your job, your religion(another story for another time), your girlfriend/boyfriend, or even just your full-blown pride?
Find out who you are and what it makes you happy to be. If people don't like it, then that might actually mean that you're doing something right. Whether you know it or not, the person that everyone likes probably isn't too likable on the inside if they think they have to please everyone. I've always heard that the best decisions piss off about half of the people at first, so that might be some encouragement on how to live. Whoever it is that you really are is trying to get out, let him or her live. They will appreciate it more than the people that are used to you just trying to please them. :)
Very interesting!